They include technological advances, the changing demographic of the workforce, and the rise of the gig economy. And given the rising energy costs, this will likely become an increasingly important factor in the future. Let’s break this down and consider the most important advantages of remote work from both perspectives, starting with the two just mentioned.

Two of the most popular video meeting tools in the business world are Microsoft Teams and Zoom. However, this technology isn’t beneficial if employees don’t know how to use it. Once organizations worked out the kinks, they found this new way of working had some benefits. As the COVID-19 crisis begins to wane and vaccinations become more widespread, many people want to continue working remotely, at least on a part-time basis. At least half of employers responding to remote work surveys report that working from home reduces employee absenteeism.

A Customizable Office

Companies achieve employee engagement when their teams are invested and enthusiastic about their tasks and the work they do. In the absence of employee engagement, how companies benefit when employees work remotely your business may suffer and deal with high turnover rates. This is especially important if you are a company that spends a lot of time training staff.

This low-stress, in-demand job can be done remotely and pays more than $100K/year—it’s ‘a winner,’ says expert – CNBC

This low-stress, in-demand job can be done remotely and pays more than $100K/year—it’s ‘a winner,’ says expert.

Posted: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 14:30:01 GMT [source]

If you outsource to freelancers there’s no need to provide expensive tech equipment as many work at home and already have their own office equipment. You will have a real-time
overview of who is ‘present’ and working at a given moment and will be able to
easily track their worked hours and overtime. In this way you can more easily lead, inform, connect, give feedback, and orchestrate teamwork in your company. The second trap is doing work half the time and spending the other half being with the family or having fun.

Is Working Remotely Bad for Your Health?

With location-based teams, all work gets done during office hours on site. But with a remote or distributed team, someone will always be around to answer questions and solve any problems. Moreover, making it easy for employees to balance their professional and personal life often means they are grateful and happy. This recognition typically translates into loyalty to the company and high productivity.

This industrial-organizational psychologist works with teams across the fields of healthcare, space exploration, and the military. In our ongoing study, we, along with colleagues Alison Collins, Jacqueline Winstanley and Alice Martin, are researching how employers can design working practices to be inclusive. Remote work is consistently touted as the best way for workers to feel mentally and physically well. These industry and occupation-specific statistics highlight the widespread acceptance of remote work.


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